034 Mom, I want to go to the program group (1)

Director Tang was startled by Yan Yueqing's boldness.

He pondered for a moment, "Yueqing, under absolute investment, this kind of operation is certainly fine. But do you know? Just to acquire 20% of the shares, I've already spent nearly two billion, betting almost my entire life's savings."

Thinking about how only a little over three million was left in his card, Director Tang felt helpless.

"Two billion?" Yan Yueqing calculated quickly with her fingers.

Director Tang continued, "To truly control the company, I need to have one-third of the shares. To have absolute control, that would require over 67%. Even if I transfer my 20% to you, we still need to acquire another 47%... It's not realistic to swallow it all in one gulp."

If 20% of the shares cost two billion, wouldn't just another four or five billion be enough for 47%?

Yan Yueqing replied swiftly, "How about this, I'll put in eight billion."