039 Coming home to take photos of the kid (sudden on-sale notice)

Three days later.

The recording day for the fifth episode.

"National Parent" has six episodes per season, and starting from the fifth episode, each contestant can invite a mysterious guest to support and participate in the new recording.

To boost popularity, the guests often invite a variety of figures.

Popular streamers, A-list stars, business tycoons...

Many netizens have complained, asking if this is about popularity or about showing off connections.

The production team was criticized for being snobbish, but to keep the program hot, they still insisted on continuing with this segment up to today.

As per custom, before the recording of the new episode, the production team would send staff to each contestant's residence to shoot a preview and to reveal the identity of the mysterious guest.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Che Ting led a small team to Yan Yueqing's place.