Why isn't everyone getting matched?

[Yan Yueqing should be about done now, right? Qin Youran didn't mean any harm, she just lacks a way with words. Why keep holding a grudge and not let it go?]

[Yeah, why has she started acting so weird this episode?! Targeting Qin Youran like crazy! Is it just my imagination?]

[In the past, I would definitely think it was Yan Yueqing's problem! But today I want to ask, doesn't Qin Youran have issues herself?]

[In the previous episodes, Qin Youran seemed so emotionally intelligent, really good with kids... But this episode... why does she come across like an idiot when talking to Yueqing?]

[Trying to get money from President Yue again, and painting him as some heartless boss, I've never seen someone like this!]

With the fans from Big Cat TV now present, the live stream's comments aren't just unilaterally blasting Yan Yueqing anymore.


There's a bit of a protective vibe for her!

Maybe it's really all about changing narratives with money...