074 Cooking at Yan Yueqing's Place (1)

Tang Tang fell into thought.

"Take my family, for example," Jun Yan elaborated unhurriedly, "we have some assets and usually engage in charity-related activities. There is no shortage of families needing assistance. If we helped everyone, my family would've gone bankrupt long ago!"

Tang Tang thought it made a lot of sense.

"Moreover..." Jun Yan mocked, "once when I went on behalf of my family to visit a household affected by bone cancer, the villagers actually thought I was being haughty for arriving in a Rolls-Royce. Should I have walked there to show sincerity when I'm spending money to save people? Their way of thinking is really upside-down!"

Yan Wang listened with interest as Jun Yan talked about such matters.

Although their families were different, the views on money they had been exposed to since childhood were consistent!