9 has an unfavorable meaning

The Rong Family is an old and prestigious clan that has been around for several hundred years, full of deceit and cunning; in recent generations, Rong Yinghui was the only honest child among them.

With consecutive accidents occurring within a month, and almost losing his life yesterday, it was natural he couldn't sleep.


Squatting down, Rong Qing let out a slow sigh and said softly, "Rong Yinghui, do you know what time it is now?"

Nobody visits someone else at six o'clock in the morning.

You'll get hit by your so-called miraculous little treasure, do you understand?


As the early morning sun rose, its light spread across the land.

Sitting at the breakfast table, Little Milk Jin held a pancake, squinting her cat-like eyes, surrendering to the greatest desires of human cubs—hunger and sleepiness battling on her eyelids.

The light golden sunlight seemed to favor her a bit more, reflected even brighter by the Little Baldy's shiny scalp.

Tang Chuang stayed in the hospital for observation.

Tang Micheng was startled last night and had several nightmares; he still hadn't fully woken up.

Only Old Master Tang and Little Milk Jin were at the dining table.

He thought about the stone sculpture debris cleared out by the servants this morning and the matters Tang Chuang had discussed with him last night.

It was rare for the old master to feel refreshed and clear-headed after waking up; he quickly came to terms with the situation.

Why delve into so much? This was his darling—obedient, sensible, protective of others, and to have such abilities.

Let others be envious.

"Aiyo, darling, have a sip of porridge; don't choke, you don't have to work, nor do you have to go to school, so why wake up so early? You should sleep more; children grow taller only if they get enough sleep," the old master said, both cherishing and feeling heartache for her.

Tang Jin yawned cutely, her adorable face looking up at her grandfather, profound and enigmatic, "Grandpa, this morning, Jinjin has a major financier to meet."

No sooner had she finished speaking than the door was knocked.

The steward returned shortly after, still somewhat surprised.

"Master, a junior of the Rong Family has come to pay a visit," he reported.

Tang Jin rubbed her little hands together and stood up.

A big deal was coming!


Old Master Tang had indeed never expected that he would see Rong Qing at his doorstep.

The young boy wore a Tang Suit, smiling warmly and composed, his every movement lacking the mischief of an eight or nine-year-old, exuding an elegance reminiscent of someone who had stepped forward in time from the Republic of China period.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Master Tang. I heard that your health is progressively improving, and it makes me happy to hear that," Rong Qing said.

The Tang Family is a wealthy and influential clan, prosperous for three or four generations, which certainly qualifies them as a renowned clan, but they can't compare to the Rong Family, which is a bona fide great clan of several hundred years.

The two families usually didn't have much to do with each other, having met only a few times. Old Master Tang made polite small talk, puzzled, as Tang Jin was led out by Steward Grandfather, following Rong Yinghui, who had been quietly trailing behind Rong Qing and suddenly looked as if he had seen a savior.

But he couldn't bring himself to say the title "miraculous little treasure."

"Do you, do you remember me?!"

Tang Jin gathered her small hands and looked up, her voice milky and tender, "Grandpa, he's here to see me."


Inside the small living room.

Little snacks were placed on the table, the old master went out for a walk, and there was no one around to disturb them.

Tang Jin tilted her little head and scrutinized Rong Yinghui's facial features with great care.

Rong Yinghui had only just carefully recounted the misfortunes that befell him over the past month, beginning with stepping in excrement when he went out, then getting scammed, and finally nearly becoming the victim of a high-altitude falling object.

"I am fortunate you gave me that warning yesterday; otherwise, I might not be able to sit here today," he said.

Rong Qing also looked at Tang Jin, pondering.


Little Milk Jin was tiny, a cute little baldy sitting on the couch, which seemed unable to resist the adorable and soft charm of a young child, wanting to engulf the child into its own 'embrace'.

Despite being young and well-behaved, in the realm of Feng Shui Metaphysics, this age was not an advantage.

She hummed and shook her little head.

"I can only give you a hint, but the decision to save yourself was yours, ah. However, your luck has been bad recently, it's indeed no accident that you're in trouble, there are bad people at work."

Rong Yinghui had excellent facial bones and his features were clear and upright, indicating a kind-hearted nature likely to achieve great things in the future. Yet now, that uprightness was worn down by disaster, leaving him tired and lacking vitality, beginning a decline.

Clearly, someone had maliciously tampered with him.

Rong Yinghui immediately tensed up, "What should I do now? What will happen afterward?"

"Actually, you're quite lucky. If it were someone else who had been messed with like this, they probably wouldn't last a week; luckily, your accumulated good deeds have protected you and allowed you to meet me."

As she spoke, her gaze fell on Rong Qing beside her, her eyes blinking, "Considering your good looks, Jinjin can do a reading for you, cheaply too! And I'll even throw in a specially made Talisman Paper just for this amount!"

Watching Little Milk Jin turn her focus on Rong Qing and raise her hand to quote a price, Rong Yinghui gasped.

This little uncle of his, although young and appearing gentle, was actually distant and overly polite to others; those who didn't get the hint and still attempted to get close would see his unpleasant side.

But this was a matter of life and death, little uncle, please, just bear with it and save your great-nephew's life!

"I can pay from my New Year's money…"

"All right."

Rong Yinghui hadn't even finished speaking when he heard Rong Qing's voice, full of mirth.

Rong Yinghui was surprised.

But Tang Jin nodded in satisfaction, "Then let's start with a fortune-telling by characters."

Having taken paper and pen, she placed it before Rong Yinghui, "Write any two characters."

Some Feng Shui Metaphysics Masters use the method of fortune-telling by characters, but very few can actually do it accurately; ordinary people dare not use it lightly.

After some thought, Rong Yinghui carefully wrote two characters: '磨' (grind) '超' (surpass).

Tang Jin frowned slightly, "These implications are not good."

"Grind, two trees representing two people, shelter under a wide covering, sitting on a rock is like sitting in a car, below the rock is a mouth, indicating a flat tire leading to a car accident, and grinding sounds like 'gone,' suggesting death. And surpass is even more urgent, directly indicating you're walking on a knife's edge, not making it past tomorrow."

Tang Jin turned to look at him with a face implying he might be done for.

On the verge of death, and it's just not a good implication?

Rong Yinghui shivered, "Am I, am I going to be doomed? Little uncle, wait to distribute my inheritance…"

Hearing this, Rong Qing barely held back a hand slap to his head, his voice tinged with helplessness, "What inheritance do you have?"

Rong Yinghui, who was still a 'poor' student, clutched his head, "Right, right…"

"I can solve the problem, don't worry, I'm super reliable."

This matter still needed a professional from the industry!

It was just the right time to see who wasn't content with their lot, not eating their proper meal but instead causing harm to others!

"I, I can still be saved?"

"Whoever tried to harm you isn't as skillful as I am, of course, you can be saved."

Though delighted by Tang Jin's confidence and pride...


Rong Yinghui: "...for such a serious matter, can you not breathe so heavily?"


"Taking a ride now is not safe. Wait until the sun is at its peak today, at one-thirty I'll follow you back and handle it."

Little Milk Jin was earnest when it came to her specialization.

Then she glanced at the watch, and again at the exceptionally nice-looking and well-groomed young man sitting opposite her, observing his peculiar life pattern but appreciating his appearance.

So handsome!

And also a major financier.

Little Milk Jin picked up some snacks, blinking her large cat's eyes, and passed them to Rong Qing.
