12 The sound of flowers blooming in the heart

His head buzzed.

In the eyes of adults, although a five-year-old child understands a lot, after all they are young and lack both speed and strength compared to adults.

Who could have imagined that the little tyke, who had just been ten meters away, would suddenly appear before him and strike his head with a little dust whisk?

He was struck dumb and was about to fall backward when Little Milk Jin moved to one side and Little Baldy's head bumped into his stomach.

What a headbutt!

Then standing on him, the once tender milk-like voice now sounded distinctly domineering.

"Letting you disobey, letting you harm others, letting you take blood money!"

Super milk fierce.

The little dust whisk swung fiercely, the unrestrained strength was great, dizzying the man, almost knocking him out, and then jolting him back to consciousness, leaving several lumps on his head.

Quite violent.

The middle-aged man was hit several times before he realized what was happening, his eyes swollen shut from the strikes.

He struggled fiercely but to his horror, he found that he couldn't break free from the control of the five-year-old little one.

What kind of monster was this? Was it truly human?

Harming others is easy, but truly divining a person's future fate is the most difficult task for a Feng Shui Metaphysics Master.

He made a lot of money from this business, but it was not the proper path, and naturally, he felt guilty.

His eyes shifted as he cried out, "I don't know what you're talking about! You hit me for no reason, where are your parents? I want to find your parents, I want to hold you accountable!!"

Little Milk Jin hummed, "The guilty party files the suit first. You know very well what you've done. Committing too many unjust acts will lead to self-destruction. You even dare to touch money that's tainted with people's lives; you might as well guess your own time of death first!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?! I don't understand, I don't know! I'm going to call the police!"

Possibly facing an expert now, the middle-aged man felt a chill settle in his heart, but still stubbornly refused to admit anything, looking for a chance to escape.

"If you won't guess, how about I calculate it for you?"

Tang Jin stopped her assault, leapt back, and appraised his face more clearly.

A five-year-old Little Bun, with beautiful, clear, pitch-black cat eyes that seemed to be able to see right through a person's soul, sweeping out all his filth from inside to outside.

"You grew up in a small village, bullied the widow next door when you were fifteen, got chased out of the village at sixteen, learned a bit of divination craft, didn't excel and earning money was too slow, so you harbored crooked thoughts, taking on jobs that harmed others where you had a knack, and now your entire lifestyle is financed by dirty money—"

"Don't... talk nonsense..." the middle-aged man broke into a cold sweat and barely managed to prop himself up.

"You think if you deny it, Jinjin won't be able to find you? Your clients even gave you a nickname, 'Yellow Spring Ghost Path'."

All correct!

"Who exactly are you?!"

He staggered to his feet and backed away in a mess.

"I am Tang Jin from Sanqing Taoist Temple!"

One of the few widely recognized Taoist temples in the circle, Sanqing Taoist Temple!

Even a five-year-old little baby was this frightening?!

The middle-aged man completely panicked and turned to run.

A leg reached out, tripping him to the ground with a clang.

Rong Qing only worried at the start and had planned to step forward, but after seeing the little girl's unilateral beating, he appropriately waited in place.

Watching the fellow he tripped over, he cared for nothing else and scrambled into the greenery.

"Aren't you going to chase him?"

Tang Jin had already stopped with the little dust whisk, reverting to her docile, sweet, and tender Little Bun demeanor, "No need, he's involved in too many deaths, he won't struggle for long."

As she spoke, she lifted her gold-handled little dust whisk, hummed, and giggled twice, "I have helped all I could, the rest is up to you all."

A slight touch of defiance, with a milky domineering air.

A gust of wind suddenly swept through the park, leaves rustling, the wind heading in the direction the middle-aged man had left.

Rong Qing, sensitive to these matters, waved towards the bodyguards hiding not far behind him, signaling that they need not come over.

He gently flicked his wrist where the dark brown Buddha beads were, and smiled warmly.

"What did Jinjin do?"

At this point, Little Milk Jin was quite proud of herself.

"He learned those harmful things fast because his life pattern was heavy with malevolence. Bad things dare not approach him easily. Jinjin's Yuanchi Fuchen was specially made by the master, capable of dispersing malevolence. Since he has almost done it himself, I simply lent him a hand."

Tang Jin lifted his little dust whisk.

Rong Qing stared thoughtfully at the horsetail whisk.

"There are other ways to solve your problem, and even if you are very good-looking, Jinjin won't give it away!"

Tang Jin hugged his little dust whisk tightly, his round and slippery cat eyes fixed on Rong Qing, like a little kitten with its claws out ready to scratch anyone who dared provoke!

Too cute.

And there was Little Baldy, whose shiny bald head reflected the moonlight, practically a second moon on the ground.

If he had such a sister, life must be very interesting.

The typically reserved young boy couldn't help himself, the tips of his snow-white slender fingers touching his lips as he let out a chuckle.

"Then I'll wait for Jinjin to solve it for me."

He had already walked to Tang Jin's side, his body bending down halfway to face Tang Jin at the same level.

Tang Jin blinked his large eyes, and also lifted his wide smile, "Don't worry, Jinjin is really reliable."


"And there's also..."

Tang Jin took another turn under the tree, tilting his little head to look up.

The pagoda tree wasn't very tall, but it wasn't something that a little human child could reach.

Finally, between the branches, he found a bit of different color peeping through.

He had someone take it down and unfold it, revealing a square piece of cloth with a complex pattern.

"As expected, a white cover blinds the ghost's eyes. This was used to hide someone else's murderous act, but this formation has already been broken."

Tang Jin threw the white cloth into a copper basin and burned it clean along with the remaining half-piece of talisman paper.

Tang Jin looked toward Rong Qing.

Rong Qing seemed to have thought of something and nodded lightly, "I understand, we'll have someone take care of it afterward."

As he spoke, he pulled out his phone and smiled, "Time to settle the bill?"

Money isn't important.

What's important is where do you find such a generous patron who is handsome and sensible!

Little Milk Jin's eyes curved into a smile.

"Two million, thank you for your patronage!"

With the dust whisk on his back, Tang Jin took out his phone.

The sound of the donation being received was like the sound of flowers blooming in his heart.

He then passed another QR code over.

"I'll need to keep an eye on any effects on Rong Yinghui and also with my issue. Let's add each other as friends."

One must be savvy with a major financier.

"Sure, big brother!"

A moment later.

The little one looked at the Little Money in his hand, and Rong Qing looked at the account whose profile picture was the little dust whisk, both very satisfied.

Rong Qing closed his phone, nobly and politely.

"It's getting late, I'll take you home."


Tang family mansion.

Tang Micheng sat in the living room, staring at the clock on the opposite wall. Little Fatty looked grumpy; he had only eaten half of his favorite cake, which was sitting on the side of the table.

The sound of opening the door came from outside.

He jumped off the couch in an instant, took a couple of steps towards the door, then slowed his pace, lifted his chin slightly, and walked slowly to the door.

Some little ones really don't see how old they are; at this hour, how could they be running around outside?

Immediately after that, the familiar sweet, glutinous voice full of joy rang out.

"I'm home now, goodbye brother!"