Sister, brother is afraid

The moonlight at this moment, seeping through the gaps in the curtains, was exceptionally tender.

The deep gray sheets dipped into a tiny bundle.

It was much too delicate.

A single hand could pick it up.

"How come Jinjin's head got shaved?"

The woman's pampered voice was dissatisfied, yet her eyes couldn't move away.

"And she's so tiny."

Zhang Zhi gestured through the screen with her hand.

"She's only five, of course she's small."

Tang Wenhuo's voice softened too, as his fingertip gently touched Tang Jin's small face.

As he looked down, he missed the softness that crept onto Zhang Zhi's typically bold and confident face, less of a career woman's crispness, and a slight reddening around her eyes.

"Enough, don't wake her."

Zhang Zhi's cat-like eyes half-closed, her snow-white delicate fingertips lightly tugged at her collar, "I'm just looking, I'll be back after a while."