I have no way of dealing with her at all.

Tang Jin tilted his little face upwards, looking at him with surprise. The cleaner the eyes, the more they revealed any dirt they wanted to hide, "Hmm… this time it was so dangerous, it couldn't have been that the Buddha head was broken, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Old man, aren't you going to discipline the youngsters in the family, even if they've just come back from the countryside…"

"I was just about to ask, the Wei family's youngsters, don't they have elders to discipline them? Only know how to cause trouble and make noise in the hospital room?"

The old man snorted coldly, tapped his cane on the ground, his voice authoritative.

So this? Dare to find fault with their Darling?

Outside the cicadas chirped, the sunlight shone, falling on Tang Jin's little head, dazzling to the eyes.

With Grandpa's support, Little Milk Jin held up his little chin, with hands on hips.