29 Jinjin is really tired of coaxing.

The handsome young man held the little one, and his voice, usually calm and indifferent to his subordinates' ears, now seemed filled with immense grievances.

Tang Jin blinked, munching on dried apricots, his voice muffled, his hands cradling his fragile brother's face.

"Brother, what's wrong? Who bullied you? Jinjin will take care of it for you; Jinjin is really capable, you know. In the past, even when master was bullied by senior brother, it was Jinjin who taught him a lesson!"

"Jinjin only kisses Daddy and not brother?"

Tang Jin naively tilted his little head.

Tang Wenhuo pressed on with his efforts.

"It's brother who's been scared and worried."

The little grown-up paused, feeling the logic in his words: "That's true."

Having successfully tricked the little one, Tang Wenhuo approached with a smile, "Kisses for brother have to be louder than those for Daddy."

"Tricking people is so hard, Jinjin is almost at his wit's end."