39 Little Reckless

In the afternoon, after Little Bun had taken his nap, the sun was out but it suddenly started to rain.

Zhang Zhi, having just returned from a flight, needed to combat jet lag and simply couldn't hold up and went back to sleep.

Tang Chuang had an important meeting in the afternoon and was about to head to the company.

For a five-year-old little one to leave the house by himself, Tang Chuang did not approve.

Even if she were capable, she was still just a little one.

A small stature that an adult could easily pick up and run off with.

It was only because this time Little Milk Baby's client was a regular one, with full escort service provided, and along came an inheritor of the Rong Family who had things to discuss with their family's little one halfway through the journey.

Apart from business, the Tang and Rong families were only acquaintances with little to do with each other normally, but a relationship had become closer because of a little milk baby.