53 Both cool and reliable

Still holding the cup in his hand, his whole body exuded reliability.

"Teacher Xiong, Lu Lu's note says he's been feeling a bit of a cold recently and should drink more water."

Teacher Xiong looked down in surprise as Little Milk Bun placed the cup and the note into her hands.

The handwriting was from Qi Lu's Parent, probably fearing that communicating through messages might make the teacher forget, so they specially wrote a note and stuck it in a conspicuous place.

"You can understand it?"

Tang Jin nodded calmly, "Yeah, I've read books that were much more obscure than this before."

As he spoke those sophisticated words in his babyish voice, it didn't seem strange at all.

Before Teacher Xiong could even sigh in amazement, Little Milk Jin waved at her again, came closer to whisper in her ear, and then waved her off like a little adult.

"So after you get the water, come back quickly, okay? I'm going back to tell them some fun stories from the past."
