59 Slipper Attack

Liang Chao had received Little Milk Jin's task, feeling worried and anxious in his heart.

It was almost time.

He went to Liang Ke's room first to check on his especially unlucky brother.

The lights were off today, and Liang Ke was sleeping rather soundly.

The small bald patch on the temple, shaven, looked both pitiful and funny.

He returned to his own room.

Liang Chao felt the Talisman Paper given to him by Little Bun in his pocket.

Just as Tang Jin had said, he had pasted talismans in all the hidden parts of the windows.

With the fortune ladder reopened and the opponent's power diminished, today was the best opportunity for a counterattack. If the adversary truly held a grudge, they would surely stop at nothing to enter this room.

No other place could they come in through.

Liang Chao sat on the edge of the bed in his bedroom, staring intently at his own window.

Out of the entire household, his room was the only one without Talisman Paper.