73 Jinjin protects fragile brother

This tender little milky voice was serious and soft.

The words startled Old Man Zhang for a moment, and as he looked over, he saw a five or six-year-old Little Milk Jin, causing him to frown immediately.

"Why did you bring a little girl along? This is grown-ups talking, what place does a little girl have to butt in?"

His eyes widened, looking quite fierce.

Tang Wenhuo's eyebrows were already raised as he hugged his little treasure; his mind was swiftly coming up with numerous ways to make the other uncomfortable.

But Jinjin was not afraid of him at all.

Plump little arms hugged around her brother's neck, and a pair of pitch-black cat-like eyes stared straight ahead.

"Believe it or not, time will tell."

Little Bun was serious, "Don't look down on girls."

"You little brat!"

The place was remote.

Girls were not cherished.

And if given the chance, the village girls would desperately run away.