86 Tang Tianxia


"Have you touched enough?"


"Have you touched enough?"

The husky and sexy voice was lazy as if it belonged to a half-open flower hiding its tender pistil, inviting exploration.

The soft little one no longer possessed the frailty of six months prior, its cries faint.

It was no longer a matter of touching through the incubator, with the constant danger to its life.

The young man was accustomed to taking things easy, holding the little one as he moved to his own room, collapsing onto the bed like a delicate peony.

And the little milk baby was a plump, puffing little thing.

Large cat-like eyes shone as it sat upon his stomach, little hands roaming over his face.

"Not yet,"

'Xiao Yan Gou' honestly replied.

Then, as he laughed with a low, husky voice, the skin under his fingers vibrated lightly.

He caught Tang Jin's little hand and brought it to his lips, pretending to bite.

Little Milk Jin quickly withdrew his hand.

"You can't eat Jinjin's hands."