90 Encounter

"Why does it feel like it's getting colder and colder?"

Qi Hai had just finished washing his hair.

He grabbed the towel that was draped over his shoulder and wiped his hair.

When he looked up, he froze.

"Eh? Have the lights gone out already? Why is the hallway light off?"

"Hurry up, will you? You're the only one left using shampoo. You're acting like such a diva, fussing over washing your hair."

The person beside him mocked the slowest one of them, and glanced unintentionally into the mirror.

This was the large washroom.

Logically, at this time, there should have been quite a few people around.

But at this moment, there were only the four of them in the big washroom.

This space was open-plan, with faucets installed on the walls, three sides, no doors, and each of the three walls was covered with large mirrors.

They were still smudged with stains and water marks left by others after washing up.

However, at the corner where two walls met, something was not quite normal.