96 Jinjin's favorite——

Both of them had just heard this much and their expressions changed slightly.

Not long before, they had listened to Little Bun speak up, saying to consider not only oneself but also one's family.

"Is it, is it really that ominous?"

Mother Qu was stunned.

Jiang Ting held her sister's hand tight.

"No, Yuanyuan, I have to go see your brother-in-law."


At this time, Little Bun was accompanying Grandpa to send Big Brother to school.

Big Brother Tang Wenyu did not seem too enthusiastic about going to school.

He leaned his supple body against the chair back and looked at the Little One sitting beside him, raising his hand to pinch her soft little face.

"You sure are something."

Little Milk Jin had been holding her phone, looking at this month's income, and was happily planning to send money to Sanqing Taoist Temple and to her own master when she heard this.

She turned her head, stretched out her hand, and patted her little chest.