give somebody a taste of their own medicine" or "turn the tables on somebody

"Send the vice president to entertain them, and after dinner, take the Health Bureau folks to Factory Three."

Director Li was clearly very good at handling such issues, his fingertips pinching a cigar as he walked into the office building.

But after only a few steps, some workers entered through the door.

They were shouldering sturdy redwood planks and various tools; some squeezed into the elevator, and others carried the planks upstairs.

With several people around, Director Li didn't continue his conversation. Instead, he curiously asked the workers.

"What are you guys up to?"

The worker was quite straightforward: "There's a boss on the eleventh floor who placed an urgent order. He wants us to use redwood to make an entrance hall to divide the room today. He's paying a lot for it. I heard he consulted some Feng Shui master."

The eleventh floor.

Director Li's eyelids lifted slightly.

"Is this boss's last name Yi?"

"Yes, it is."