114 is just regretting being caught

Tang Yibin spoke again, his voice stern as he observed the other's pale complexion.

"Or do you want to take a look at these videos and surveillance footage?"

His tone had become almost severe.

After all, before they had started reinvestigating, no one other than Wei Yihan knew about the incident.

There had indeed been negligence on the hotel management's part, and they couldn't clearly remember whether the lights in this room had been turned off or whether they had looked inside.

Tang Yan himself had problems as well. His memory was blurred, and he only remembered that after turning off the light and speaking out, no one heard him. By the time he groped his way to the door, it had already been locked from the outside—and then, overwhelmed by the steam and dizziness, he fell into the pool. Fortunately, the hot spring wasn't deep, and with his last bit of strength, he managed to cling to something, preventing him from drowning as he lost consciousness.