123 Little Bun brother really has a lot

Jinjin can't help you with the bad things you've done yourself.

Little Bun held up a tiny hat and tilted his head to look at it.

However, fortunately for Rong Yayuan, she never did anything irreversible, and often the maintenance of a relationship was already fragile, built on lies and deception. Even so, the truly guilty deeds she had done were enough to give her a good torment.

Tang Chuang only took a look before watching his own Little One happily embracing the pile of hats.

"It's just a few hats."

He reached out and touched the material of the hat.

Extremely soft and plush fabric, thick and warm to the touch, it's not just a single layer of yarn knitted but also has an interlayer.

The old father paused.

...Tch, can't find fault with it.

Listening to his words.

Little Bun tilted his head, hugging the hat: "Dad, can you knit too?"

Tang Chuang: "...No."


Little Bun wasn't surprised and nodded his little head.

Tang Chuang quickly added: "Dad will buy them for you."