133 It's the end of the world!

Feng Xinyi's expression changed instantly.

She had seen Yan Miao lose her temper before, but Yan Miao was always good-natured and never showed anger or blushed in school, and she preferred not to discuss family matters with others.

It was because Yan Miao disliked causing a scene that Feng Xinyi dared to confront her directly at the school entrance.

"How can you say that, child? It was just an accident back then. All these years, your aunt never intended to interfere with your family, and it wasn't until your father got divorced that we resumed our relationship."

"Cut the crap. My so-called sister is only a few years younger than me. An accident after getting drunk? And still able to pull off an affair? I've spared you the embarrassment and didn't want to expose you, out of concern for decency, but how dare you two start pushing your limits?"

Yan Miao snorted coldly. She opened her mouth, her lips moist and pretty with a light shade of lipstick on, but she showed no mercy.