has changed their surname to 136

Yan Qiyue's face looked especially ugly.

Both of the large toys had ended up in their hands; buying them from them was basically impossible now.

Carrying Big Bear on her way out, she left the bustling area.

Then Yan Miao heard someone crying out loudly behind her.

Looking at Little Bun walking beside her, she actually couldn't quite react.

Weirdly—what a thrill.

How naughty she was.

But so happy!!


Once home, Yan Miao put Big Bear at the head of her bed and threw herself into its embrace.

Not long after, she stood up joyfully and ran outside.

"Mom! Mom!"

Jiang Yueming was sitting on the sofa, discussing some recent business matters with Grandpa Jiang, tablet in hand.

Hearing her daughter's voice, she pushed her glasses and asked, "What's the matter?"

Then she was hugged from behind by Yan Miao.

"Mom, I want to change my name! I want to take the surname Jiang!"

She already had Big Bear.

Who would still fancy Little Bear?


Little Bun's room.