Chapter 19: Climbing the Wall by Skill

"Hey you, yeah you, why aren't you wearing the school uniform? Are you a student at our school?"

The security guard paid no attention to the boy but pointed at the girl dressed in athletic wear instead.

"I'm not a student here yet, but I will be soon. This is my transfer notice."

Ye Xiao took out a crumpled piece of paper from her backpack and handed it to the uncle-like security guard.

"So you're a transfer student. Still, even as a transfer student, you can't go in if you're late. On your first day, you need to report to the academic affairs office. Call the head of the office to come fetch you."

The security uncle gave Ye Xiao a once-over and said.

"Bro, you're awesome. Being late on your first day as a transfer student, and having that Cobra come to pick you up, that's badass."

The boy looked at Ye Xiao with admiration.

"No need for anyone to pick me up, I can go in by myself," Ye Xiao said coldly.