Chapter 53: Proudly Scoring Zero with Skill

Students sitting below the podium, looking at their homeroom teacher beaming with joy, a clear sign of great mood, suddenly felt their own spirits plummet to an all-time low, their faces turning ashen as if they were about to walk to the execution ground.

"I want to take a moment to highlight our classmate, Ye Xiao, who has brought honor to our class. Let's start with a round of applause."

As the words ended, deafening applause erupted from below the stage, along with many students showing a look of relief.

"Our classmate Ye Xiao has successfully achieved the rank that all teachers have long hoped for, being the last in the entire grade on the monthly exam. Incredible performance, I am so delighted. Please once again congratulate Ye Xiao for such a remarkable achievement with a warm round of applause."

And with that, applause filled the classroom once again.