Chapter 78: She's Just Overbearing

"But he's a Chinese Painting Master, not seeing him doesn't seem quite right."

Li Xing knew who Yan Qinghai was, acknowledged to have a certain standing in the Chinese painting circle, and besides, the man was quite elderly, so it seemed discourteous not to meet with an elder.

"Tell him to get lost."

Qiao Si said coldly.

So what if he's a Chinese Painting Master? If he said he wouldn't meet, he wouldn't meet.

Li Xing left the room reluctantly, knowing full well that he couldn't possibly tell the master to get lost, only to try and persuade him with good words.

"Master Yan, I'm really sorry, Fourth Master is currently occupied and can't meet with you."

"Assistant Li, is he really occupied, or does he just not want to see me?"

Yan Qinghai could easily guess that he was being deliberately avoided.

He just hadn't expected the one who won the painting to be the well-known Fourth Master Qiao.