Chapter 119: Such Cruel Intentions at a Tender Age

"Because you, Master, don't dare let everyone know that you took me as your disciple because of the Autumn Bamboo Painting."

At this moment, Bai Yingying's face bore none of the pitiful, delicate expression she had when the guests were still around; she was coldly threatening Yan Qinghai.

Thinking to back out without reaping any benefits, things aren't that easy.

"What do you mean by that?"

Yan Qinghai's complexion immediately soured.

"I accidentally hit the record button just now, Master. Everything you said was recorded. If you go back on your word, I will upload the recording online for everyone to see what kind of Chinese Painting Master you really are."

This move was one Bai Yingying had learned from Ye Xiao.

When the fake painting was exposed, she had anticipated that Yan Qinghai might renege, so she had prepared in advance, just waiting for Yan Qinghai to reveal it himself.

"You dare to record me, delete it now."