Chapter 123: The Big Shot is Speaking in Dialect

"Principal Li, why have you come?"

Ye Xiao spoke in the pure dialect of Water Town.

Of course, when someone from your hometown visits, you speak in your hometown dialect.

This old man in a Zhongshan suit was Li Changfeng, the principal of the Water Town Middle School Ye Xiao had previously attended.

"Of course, I came because I missed you,"

Li Changfeng said with a merry laugh.

Qin Yang was stunned listening to their dialect; was this supposed to be some kind of joke?

"Be honest, what exactly do you want to do?"

Ye Xiao felt that Li Changfeng wouldn't come without a reason; he definitely wanted to stir up some trouble. Despite his age, this old man was quite the trickster.

"Nothing much, I've been transferred here as the vice-principal,"

Li Changfeng sat down on the chair next to Ye Xiao. He couldn't just let his carefully nurtured student be handed over to Liu Bocheng.

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiao's expression immediately darkened; this old man was up to no good as usual.