0441 Human Ideals

"Playing tricks on you is a sign of respect. You must be running out of design drafts, right? Xinyan, how are you going to win the championship and help Enrich overcome its difficulties? Tell me, when you're no longer of any use, could your fate be even worse than mine? And... don't let me catch you at fault, otherwise..."

Surprised, Su Xinyan quickly regained her composure, realizing that Su Ran's words had shamed her to the point of mortification. She glared at her furiously, her chest heaving with rage, wishing she could tear her to pieces.


Ten minutes passed, and those waiting at the door were being picked up by a steady stream of cars, but the entrance of the Convention Center was still crowded.

The vast parking lot was filled with a variety of vehicles, including many luxury cars.

"Wow, did you see that? That Mercedes-Benz S-Class that just went by is worth millions!"