706. A call for a hundred responses

The barrage of comments began to include a new wave of messages.

"The seasoned actors really put on a good show, and everyone's acting is on point, but haven't you noticed how exceptionally soothing the scenes are?"

"Not gonna lie, I also think the sets are extremely comfy... kinda feels like I'm transported into that era and setting?"

"Laymen watch the fun, but professionals watch the technique. Actually, it's the props and the beautiful cinematography that create this feeling."

"Yes, that's the feeling! The prop placement is so full of Artistic Conception!"

"emmmmm, although I don't know what real palaces and inner courtyards look like, this show makes me feel like this is how it should be, which is kinda strange——"

"Even the actors' every move is comforting, okay? The scene where everyone bows in the court, so damn impressive!"