Chapter -1 Roulette.

Chapter -1.

"Adam, wake up."

I woke up to my mother's loud voice. I think she's working in the kitchen now.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I muutered, opening my eyes.

I hadn't slept properly yet, but I was still in the dreamland for 30 minutes, so I stretched a little, got out of bed, opened the door to my room and headed to the living room.

"Did you sleep well, Champ?"

It was my father. He was reading the evening newspaper with a cup of coffee in his hand. The pictures in the newspaper were moving like a video, and the newspaper looked a little strange.

"Yeah. By the way, who is that old man?"

The pictures moving like videos was a bit strange, but not for me, since I was born in this house after i had died in a car accident, and since then i was aware about where I had arrived.

"Minister Fudge. Why?"

The old man looked at me with curious eyes. Well, that was obvious, since I never showed any interest in reading the paper or talking about things that interested him.

"It's nothing. He just seemed like someone who wants the attention of the whole world, that's all."

"Haha, did you really say that?"

The old man suddenly started laughing. Well, I would laugh too if someone could guess the personality of someone they'd never met before, but anyway, I wasn't asking about Fudge to make my dad laugh, I was asking to confirm something now that I'm turning 11 in a few days.

"What are you father-son duo talking about and laughing so loudly?"

It was my mother, holding a tray full of scones, looking at my father with serious eyes. However, after 30 minutes of dreaming, i felt a little hungry, so instead of showing table manners, i got up, picked up a piece of scone and started munching on it.

"It's really tasty, mom."

For the past few years in my last life, I've lived in rented rooms and eaten fast food all the time, so I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by all the food my mother made. Because there was no love or sense of belonging in the food in my previous life.

"Well, eat it slowly. And you, you shouldn't laugh at someone like minister, and should teach your son to do the same, not opposite."

Well mother was somewhat strict with father, but well, since he was an easy going man and a type of man who could be easily taken advantage of so i can not blame her.

"Sorry, now can I have some too?"

Father said with pleading eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Well, the family bond and close atmosphere was more than enough, and sometimes it was overwhelming, but I still liked it, so I never thought of complaining.

"Get yourself one from the tray: Anyway adam, honey, this letter arrived when you were sleeping. Congratulations."

Mother suddenly turned her attention to me and handed me the letter. I read the letter carefully for a few seconds and immediately understood what it was, i showed that I was a little excited, but at the same time in my heart I didn't feel that much excitement. Maybe it's because I lived in a wizarding family now.

Well, in any case, seeing the four animal symbols, I tore the letter open and started reading. The letter, as always, said that I was selected to study at the famous Hogwarts.

"This is great news. Finally can I get a wand now?"

I put the letter in my pocket and asked my parents with a big smile. Knowing that I was born into this world and belonged to a wizarding family, I tried asking for a new wand many times. A old, nearly broken wand would have been fine, but my kind but strict parents would never let me touch the damn wand, saying I needed to wait until I received my acceptance letter.

So the whatever excitment i had was because finally, now i can get my own wand and do some magic.

"Of course you can. I still remember you crying for it when you first saw the wand."

"Mom... stop. It's embarrassing."

I was in my late twenties in my previous life, but since I was close to my parents from the beginning in this reincarnated life, it didn't feel weird at all to be embarrassed or express any kind of emotion.

That being said, the atmosphere in the living room continued to be entertaining until we had eaten our meal, and then Mum and Dad left, promising to take me to Diagon Alley the next day, as they had to work outside.

"Alas, finally I can do something interesting from now on."

When I was reborn into this world and found out it was the Harry Potter world, there were so many things I wanted to do. Most of it was just messing with the story as much as I could while at the same time becoming stronger, because if I wasn't strong, messing with the story would be like my downfall.

Ding...Activating random ability acquisition roulette.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, a translucent screen appeared in front of me, with the words "Random Ability Acquisition Roulette" written on it. I understood what it meant, but I had been living in this world for 10 years, so I didn't understand why something like this which resembles system had appeared now.

But either way, the system wasn't the talkative type, so I wasn't going to complain about receiving something that could easily change my life in just a few seconds.

[Roulette draw : 3]

"Hmm, so that means I get three free spins. Okay, that's cool, but what abilities does this roulette give me?"

I wondered, and when I clicked the accept option, the whole interface of the translucent screen changed, and now a big roulette appeared instead of the normal screen.

"What the hell is wrong with this roulette? Is it trying to get me to gamble?"

Just as the notification said, the roulette appeared, but it didn't show any abilities on the slotes, they were completely blank, and it seemed to tell me to just click on the draw without much thought.

"Oh well, whatever. I'll just hope I get something good."

The system wasn't talkative and there was no help option, so all I could do was bet everything on luck and on the free chances.
