Chapter -9 Upgrading the arsenal.

Chapter -9.

"Mrs. Granger, we have a long list of things we need to buy, and at this rate it may take us half a day to get everything, so I think we should split into two groups."

As we left Ollivander's, mother, who had been walking alongside me, suddenly stopped and said.

That's a great idea. I thought and judging by the way we were proceeding with the shopping, I realized that within an hour or so we'd be exhausted. So, without wasting any time, I interrupted and said, "Mom, how about i, Hermione and Mr. Granger go to the bookstore and you and mrs. Granger go buy our school supplies?"

"That's... a really great idea." Mum looked at me as if she wanted to know why I had laid out who's going with whom plan, but it was perfect, so all she could do was go along with it.

Well, in any case, the idea suggested was a perfect combination since neither Hermione nor her parents had any idea where any store was located and aside from being a perfect combination, it also gave me the freedom to buy a few extra books that I wanted to buy and if my mom had gone to the bookstore with me, there was no way I would have succeeded in getting them.

"Okay, we'll just go buy the supplies then, while Adam and you Hermione go with Dad. Make sure you don't cause him any trouble," Mrs. Granger said, taking the wand box from her husband's hand.

"Hun, don't forget to stay close with Mr. Granger, too. And take these galleons you need to buy books," Mom said as she handed me a stack of galleons. I didn't think I'd need that many coins, but the more resources I had, more easier it was going to be for me to buy some extra books.

With that i turned around and started leading the group towards the north side of Diagon Alley, and after just a few minutes we saw a group of kids my age or younger hanging out around an old store that appeared to have been recently renovated.

"We're here, Mr. Granger," I said, turning my head towards the father-daughter duo and pointing in the direction of the store.

"Okay, let's go then. Make sure you stick close by. The three of us don't want to hear any nagging today, right?" Mr. Granger said with a smile and began walking confidently toward the store.

"I guess so," I muttered, turning to Hermione. But she was staring at the bookstore for some reason, so I tapped her on the shoulder, waking her up from her reverie. "Well, let's go. The books are waiting."

"Yes, books. Anyway, you remember you promised recommending some good book material?" she asked.

"Yeah, but we need to get to the store first for that," I said, encouraging her to start walking as her father had almost walked into the store.

Then we both sprinted forward, managing to stick close to mr. Granger despite the initial crowd of children outside the shop.

"It'll be easier if you just ask for the first year books, Mr. Granger," I said as mr. granger looked slightly confused seeing the wide shelves of books, and then looking at Hermione I whispered, "Ask your dad if you can browse around for some more books."

"That's a great idea, Adam," Mr. Granger said, and started to walk towards the counter, Hermione following behind to get permission.

Considering my shallow knowledge of magic, there were plenty of books I wanted to buy at the point.

And neither of my parents wanted me to study magic before entering Hogwarts. For some reason, all they wanted for me was to enjoy everyday life, make friends, and do the stuff kids do.

Well, what my parents didn't know was that it was pretty boring. Anyway, now that I had this opportunity, I wasn't going to waste it. Because if I didn't learn the spells I needed, I'd just be a lamb ready to be slaughtered.

"Adam, let's go. Dad said we have to hurry-" Hermione suddenly interrupted my thoughts but as she brought me the permission slip so I just smiled at her and then we both hurried over to the shelves to find the books we were interested in, or only i was interested in.

After a few minutes of just browsing through the shelves time, we both returned to the counter, where Mr. Granger was already waiting. "You guys said you just wanted to look around. So why do you have those books in your hands for?"

"Haha, sorry," both of us said at the same time, smiling awkwardly. Mr. Granger looking at us couldnt help but smile as well and asked, "So, do you guys want to buy these books too?"

"Yes, please," Hermione said, quickly sporting a cat-like expressions.

"Okay, alright," Mr. Granger said, then turned to the middle-aged man sitting behind the counter and asked, "Could you please first confirm that the book is suitable for children of this age, and if so, add them to the invoice, i mean bill."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but click my tongue in annoyance. Some of the books were a little too much for a kid of my age, but I absolutely needed them for the happy times ahead. Now, all I could do was trust the old man and pray that he wouldn't throw away the silver sickles I had brought to his shop.

"All of these are fine, but you'll have to come back when you're older to get this one kid."

As I had feared, the old man pulled out the potion and ritual book i had listed, but thankfully he didn't take out any others by saying: "Some of the books are at a fourth grade level, but they're fine for the kids here if they want to learn."

I had the ability to metamorphosis, and could use it to get any book I wanted, even if it was in some Dangerous alleyway where dark wizard and people like that roamed. But finding the right time to do it was a bigger problem, because mother was always at home, and if she found me missing, I'd be grounded for days.

And this kind of punishment could only be meted out when necessary.

A/N : Guys if you're liking this work, please support me with some power stones and comments, that'll be a great help.