Chapter 4 The Abandoned Son-in-Law

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the crowd exchanged glances.

Following that, Song Qiao scoffed, "Are you asking me to kneel?"

Tang Yi nodded, "Exactly!"

As his voice fell, his aura suddenly changed, and with a step forward, the wind and clouds seemed to react!

Just as Song Qiao wanted to continue his mockery, Tang Yi suddenly reached out, grabbed his neck, and swiftly kicked the backs of his knees.

The move was swift and as quick as lightning!

Before anyone could react, Song Qiao cried out in pain, and with a "bang," he knelt on the ground!

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and speechless!

No one imagined that Song Qiao, who intended to humiliate Tang Yi, ended up kneeling himself!

This idiot, when did he become so powerful?

And with such speed, his kick to the knee left Song Qiao without any chance to react!

Under the watchful eyes of all, Song Qiao's face turned pale with pain and embarrassment, his features twisted.

Even the woman by Song Qiao's side frowned slightly, feeling that it was too embarrassing.

A normal person being caught off guard and beaten by an idiot, just think about it, it's inept!

At the same time, several of Song Qiao's companions instantly surrounded Tang Yi.

They knew that tonight this idiot was done for!

Even at this important occasion, Song Qiao would definitely not go easy on him, otherwise, today's disgrace could not be washed away!

Soon, Song Qiao endured the pain in his knees and stood up, his eyes glaring sinisterly at Tang Yi.

From start to finish, Tang Yi maintained a light and breezy smile on his face, as if he was totally unaware of the impending danger.

Song Qiao slowly closed in on Tang Yi.

The companions around him gathered more and more, surrounding Tang Yi so tightly that not even water could filter through!

"You idiot! Today I'm going to break your legs!"

Song Qiao's expression was cold. He couldn't imagine that in his life he would be brought to his knees by an idiot.

His white trousers were stained with noticeable dirt marks on the knees.

"What are you doing?"

Just then, a deep and magnetic voice came from outside.

Immediately, the crowd made way and parted to form a path.

Several people walked in, led by Yun Chutian.

"Young Master Yun!"

The surrounding crowd bowed slightly and greeted him.

Yun Chutian walked at a leisurely pace, his gaze fixed on Tang Yi, with a hint of playful smile on his lips.

He had also seen the scene that just unfolded.

Yun Chutian hadn't expected that an idiot would possess such strength.

"What are you doing?" asked the manager frowning lightly beside Yun Chutian, looking at the crowd.

"Young Master Yun, this idiot is causing trouble!"

Song Qiao took a deep breath, trying to quell the rage in his chest, and pointed at Tang Yi with eyes filled with fury, "I asked this idiot to kneel to Young Master Yun, but he attacked me instead!"

"Tonight's banquet is held for Miss Bingyun. Don't cause any trouble!"

Yun Chutian spoke with a gentle smile, exuding the demeanor of a gentleman, "Since Tang Yi has laid hands on you, let him apologize, and let this matter pass."

Upon hearing this, the expression on Song Qiao's face couldn't help but change.

Tang Yi had made him kneel in public, but now all he got in exchange was a sorry, Song Qiao felt unwilling to accept it.

But who would dare to disobey the words of Chu Yunfeng?

Looking at Yun Chutian, whose face bore a light smile, and those slightly squinted eyes that flashed with sharpness, Song Qiao broke out in a cold sweat.

With his capability, not to mention being on par with Chu Yunfeng, he wasn't even qualified to step into this circle.

With this in mind, Song Qiao could only do as Yun Chutian had said.

"You idiot, hurry and apologize!"

Then, he looked at Tang Yi with a sinister look, "Today, in consideration of Young Master Yun's face, I'll give you a chance to apologize!"

"Of course, remember to kneel!"

As his voice dropped, all eyes in the vicinity turned to Tang Yi.

But would an idiot understand his words?

Tang Yi appeared as if he was looking down on all the bustling splendor of life, his demeanor calm and composed, "Are you sure?"


Song Qiao smiled darkly.

However, when he locked eyes with Tang Yi, for some unknown reason, a chill suddenly shot through his heart.

As if he had been glanced at by the Grim Reaper!


It must be an illusion!

Song Qiao's face instinctively turned to terror, he stepped back. The crowd watched him in astonishment.

This made Song Qiao even more furiously embarrassed; he couldn't believe he had been frightened to this extent by an idiot.

Taking a deep breath, Song Qiao's pupils became a bit more fierce as he shouted, "Kneel down for me!"

"Song Qiao, what gives you the right to make him kneel for you!"

At that moment, a clear and melodious voice rang out.

Everyone turned their heads, and their eyes instinctively flashed with fervor.

Dressed in a white evening gown that outlined a perfect figure, beneath the long and slender neck was a pair of breasts, as smooth as polished ivory, half-hidden; her slim waist was barely a graspable size!

The newcomer was none other than Song Bingyun!

Song Bingyun walked over, followed by her younger brother, Song Miao.

Seeing Song Qiao's sinister expression, Song Miao was slightly surprised.

Initially, he thought that Song Qiao was here to humiliate Tang Yi, but now it seemed as if Tang Yi had humiliated Song Qiao.

Song Qiao frowned upon seeing Song Bingyun.

In the eyes of the Song family members, Tang Yi was considered a fool, a scapegoat for their family.

However, no one dared to insult Tang Yi in front of Song Bingyun, as they were, after all, husband and wife, and Song Bingyun had always been protective of him.

Now was no different.

Song Bingyun arrived and immediately shielded Tang Yi behind her.

She didn't ask for the reason behind the incident; over the years, if anyone knew Tang Yi well, it was certainly her.

Therefore, Song Bingyun concluded that Song Qiao and the others were taking pleasure in torturing Tang Yi again, humiliating him.

Song Qiao, with a grim expression, thought for a moment then looked to Yun Chutian for an indication of how to handle the current situation.

Yun Chutian maintained a calm face, looked at Song Bingyun, and smiled, "Bingyun, why have you come over?"

Song Bingyun nodded faintly, which served as her response.

"Song Qiao, we can talk about whatever it is after tonight," she said.

Song Miao turned to Song Qiao and said, "Tonight is a big event for my sister! Don't cause any trouble!"

Song Qiao glared fiercely at Song Miao, "It's not me causing trouble, it's this guy who kicked me twice when I wasn't looking!"

As he spoke, he also rubbed his knee, feeling waves of sharp pain.

Hearing this, Song Bingyun looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

In the three years since he entered the Song family, Tang Yi had always been one to take beatings without hitting back and enduring insults without retorting.

And tonight, he actually hit Song Qiao?

Looking at the harmless Tang Yi, Song Bingyun's eyebrows slightly furrowed. Then she looked back at Song Qiao with a skeptical look in her beautiful eyes, "You mean, he attacked you?"

Song Qiao was speechless; he understood that no matter how he explained it, Song Bingyun would not believe him.

"Alright, disperse now."

Song Bingyun gave Song Qiao a cold glance, then turned to Tang Yi, "Tang Yi, follow me."

Tonight, there weren't only Song family members present, but also guests. Causing a scene here would embarrass the Song family.

Immediately after, Tang Yi followed Song Bingyun away from the scene.

Everyone's gazes fell on the two of them, their expressions varying.

A hint of resentment flickered in the depths of Song Qiao's eyes.

He vowed that tonight's humiliation would be repaid a hundredfold by Tang Yi!

"Young Master Song, there will be plenty of opportunities!"

Song Qiao's crony stood by his side, sneering, "After tonight, Tang Yi will no longer be a part of the Song family..."

Meanwhile, Song Bingyun had taken Tang Yi to a private room.

Tang Yi's gaze swept over, seeing that nearly all of the Song family members had arrived.

Father-in-law Song TieLi and mother-in-law Liang Rulan.

Song Bingyun was the eldest in the Song family, followed by a younger sister Song Bingyu and the younger brother Song Miao.

Besides, there was a man dressed in branded clothing, looking distinguished, sitting opposite. He was Song Bingyu's husband, a descendant of a major family in Jinling City.

Song Miao, the only son of Song TieLi, went straight to sit beside Song TieLi, looking at Tang Yi with a cold gaze, "Quite bold tonight, daring to hit Song Qiao? Not even giving Young Master Yun face?"

"Yun Chutian?"

Song TieLi immediately frowned and glared at Tang Yi with displeasure before looking at Song Bingyun, "Bingyun, come sit over here."

Tang Yi just stood opposite.

He was used to this by now.

For three years, he had been like an invisible man in the Song family.

At that moment, Song TieLi suddenly had someone bring a document, then he pushed it in front of Tang Yi.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

Song TieLi pointed to the place on the document where he needed to sign, "Just write your name here."

Although Song Bingyun had been expecting this, seeing the prominent "Divorce Agreement" still subconsciously affected her.

Three years ago, when she married Tang Yi, she was utterly reluctant, but it was all for the sake of the family!

Yet, over these three years, even without a single exchange of words, Tang Yi had slowly become a part of her life, a habit.

Now faced with sudden divorce, Song Bingyun's emotions were complex!

Originally, she should have been eagerly looking forward to it, even longing for it!

But now that the day had come, for some reason, she felt an unexpected pang of reluctance.

However, Song Bingyun was clear in her heart that a life with Tang Yi was impossible.

She was still young with a long life ahead, and she had a promising future.

Song Bingyun looked at Tang Yi, who had his signature smile on his face.

"I hope that he can smile like this for the rest of his life, oblivious to everything else."

Song TieLi had Song Miao throw Tang Yi a pen, "Bingyun, once he signs it, you'll be free. Young Master Yun won't mind these past three years."

Just then, the door to the room was knocked on, and the Song family butler came in saying, "Master, the Xie family from Luzhou has sent someone."

"The Xie family?"

Song TieLi's face turned serious, nodding, "Good, take me to them right away."

He rose and left promptly; the Xie family was a wealthy family from a neighboring province, and this collaboration was very important to the Song family.

Tang Yi looked at the divorce agreement laid out before him, momentarily in a daze.

In the injured three years, he had inexplicably married a woman as beautiful as the flowers. And now, his relationship with Song Bingyun, too, was about to end.

The Song family wanted to divorce him!