Chapter 49 Compulsion


After dropping that sentence, Tang Yi looked at Song Degong once more. A playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You like this Xi Xia Buddha amulet a lot, don't you?"

"Fine, I'll give it to you!"

Upon hearing this, Song Degong excitedly reached out.

As long as he got what he liked, everything else was not a problem.

Song Degong thought to himself with sheer joy.

However, just as he was about to take the amulet, Tang Yi suddenly exerted force!

Powder fluttered down from his fingertips!

Seeing the Xi Xia Buddha amulet crushed to smithereens, the joy on Song Degong's face gradually turned to stupefaction!

Tang Yi actually dared to destroy his beloved amulet!

"Bastard! What are you doing! Stop it right now!"

Song Degong quickly came to his senses, raging with anger!

"Who said I was going to give this amulet to you?"

With a cold laugh, Tang Yi opened his hands, and a perfectly intact Xi Xia Buddha amulet completely turned to dust.