Chapter 56 Despair

Tang Yi had never imagined that there could be such a shameless woman in the world!

As the pungent scent of perfume assailed his nose, he quickly retreated.

Seeing this, Song Qing was incredibly smug, her face full of cold mockery, "What's the matter? Come on! You're not really a coward, are you?"

"Heh! Weren't you the one who wanted to lay a hand on me?"

"Come on!"

"Get on with it!"

If Tang Yi dared to take liberties with her, not only would the Liu Family tear him to pieces, but the whole of Jinling would curse him to death!

This was the source of Song Qing's confidence.

Seeing Tang Yi with a cold face, Song Qing was extremely pleased with herself.

"I thought you were something special, but it turns out you're still the same fool!"

"You dared to impersonate the name of the owner of the Death God's Note, giving the Song Family seven days!"

"Now listen up, I'm giving you seven days too!"