Chapter 61 Accommodating to Preserve the Whole

Due to the nature of the event, everyone had kept their voices down throughout their conversation.

Now, after being hit, he suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, "Security! Security! Someone's getting beaten up!"

"Hurry, someone come here and catch this damn dog!"

The furious roar instantly shattered the calm of the venue and drew the attention of everyone present.

Seeing Tang Yi daring to strike someone at such an important event, everyone was dumbstruck!

Was this kid looking to die?

Everyone around was as still and quiet as if they had been turned to stone!

Song Tieli was also taken aback.

Liang Rulan was trembling with apprehension.

Song Bingyu's whole body was shaking.

Song Miao likewise couldn't believe what she was seeing from her brother-in-law.

No one could have imagined that Tang Yi would have the audacity to act so recklessly!

Hearing Xu Jianxin's scream of agony, several security guards at the event quickly ran over and surrounded Tang Yi.