Chapter 74 Break Both Legs and Take Him Back

"Shu State's Tang Family is handling business, all of you clear off!"

Vicious and tyrannical, utterly overbearing!

The security guards at Jinling Pearl Villa and the surrounding crowd hurriedly scattered, pretending they saw nothing.

A muscular man quickly stepped forward, pulling open the door of one of the Rolls-Royces.

From the car, a woman in her thirties stepped out.

Around her wrist, she wore a black hollow bracelet.

Upon seeing Tang Yi, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes as she quickly approached, smiling and saying, "Young Master, this old servant has come to take you home!"

"During your disappearance these past ten or so years, the old master has been very concerned about you."

Tang Yi's gaze was icy as he said in a deep voice, "Auntie Lan, I did not expect you to personally come."

"But, I'm afraid the old master is not concerned about me, but rather coveting my heart, right?"