Chapter 133: Giving You a Chance to Redeem Yourself by Doing a Good Deed

Just then, the ringtone from the cell phone in her pocket rang out.

For people like them, it was natural to have more than one mobile phone. For day-to-day business communications, they left it to their assistants to answer.

The phone she carried in her pocket was always with her and kept available twenty-four hours a day.

Because that phone was used by important contacts, including the upper echelons of headquarters.

There was once a senior executive in the Yi Ning Consortium who failed to answer a call from the top brass at headquarters at ten in the evening.

Subsequently, he never showed up at the company again.

"Allen!" She glanced at the caller ID and hastily answered, "President, the matter in Jinling has been settled."

"I will depart this afternoon and report back to you upon my return."

From the phone came the low voice of a foreigner.