Chapter 147 Reunion after a long separation

"I remember after we graduated from elementary school, you suddenly disappeared. What happened?"

Meeting Tang Yi, Sun Cheng had a belly full of questions.

"At that time, my family moved away to another place because we were in a rush, I didn't have the chance to inform you."

Tang Yi smiled, not wanting to tell Sun Cheng the truth about those days.

"All right, let's not talk about the past," Sun Cheng gave Tang Yi a hug, "but I never imagined you'd show up and marry the 'queen' of our college right away!"

He could see that Tang Yi didn't want to talk about old times, so he didn't press the matter.

Sun Cheng also noticed a flash of sadness in Tang Yi's eyes when talking about their childhood.

He felt that when Tang Yi was ready to talk, he would surely tell him.

Understanding went unspoken between them.

Despite not having seen each other for over a decade, their relationship remained as pure as it was when they were children.

"How have you been lately?" Tang Yi asked.