Chapter 152: Struggle against the Petty Man

Everyone turned their heads to see that Sun Cheng indeed had empty hands, without a room card.

While everyone else had one, only he was without, a clearly very excessive gesture.

Sun Cheng was also very frustrated; why was he being singled out?

At first, everyone thought Yu Zhong had simply overlooked him, but a closer look revealed this was not the case.

Yu Zhong teased, "Fat Sun, aren't you the manager of Shuying Village?"

"Since you're an employee here, just stay in the staff dormitory."

Hearing this, Sun Cheng immediately became displeased.

Now it was a class reunion, everyone else was staying in guest rooms; why should he have to stay in a dormitory?

Even if he was the manager here, it didn't justify such mistreatment.

Watching this scene, a few who wanted to curry favor with Yu Zhong laughed.

"I think it's fine; since there are employee dormitories, what difference does it make where one stays?"

"Right! I see no problem with it!"