Chapter 239: Successfully Completed

It finally quieted down.

Qiao Yunhan looked at Tang Yi with a very complex expression, bit her teeth, and said respectfully, "Mr. Tang, you and your wife please discuss. I will personally escort and stand guard outside to ensure that no one disturbs you."

"Thank you," Tang Yi nodded slightly.

Alger looked at Tang Yi with a strange look in his eyes and said, "Mr. Tang, it seems like they are both afraid of you and in awe of you!"

"Do you know, you remind me of someone from a certain family in our America, hmm."

"Which family?"

"What do they do?" Song Bingyun asked, brimming with curiosity.

Tang Yi smiled and interrupted, "Mr. Alger is just joking. Alright, wife, go ahead and introduce your product, I think Mr. Alger is probably short on time."

Alger gave Tang Yi a deep look.

In fact, he didn't believe Tang Yi necessarily knew of the family he referred to, or its members.

Otherwise, he would certainly not be so relaxed.