Chapter 250: Who is the Shameless One?

One has to say that Jiang Jun was indeed very talented. In high school, he wasn't arrogant like other boys.

On the contrary, he was gentle and refined at a young age, displaying great wisdom.

If in ancient times, Song Bingyun had no doubt that he would be that kind of brilliantly talented young master!

He gave off an amiable feeling, as if basking in a spring breeze.

Back in high school, many beautiful girls pursued Jiang Jun. Yet Jiang Jun turned a blind eye to them all, and instead began to pursue Song Bingyun in private.

What young girl doesn't harbor feelings of love?

And which young girl doesn't wish for a partner brimming with talent?

Faced with the passionate pursuit of such a talented and refined young man, Song Bingyun naturally felt moved.

Even the love letters Jiang Jun had written her were treasured and kept safe.