Chapter 285 Warning

After dawn, Jiang Long endured a night of torment. However, he had not been waiting for Tang Yi's head.

What he received instead was Zhao San's severed head!

"President Jiang, I advise you, Mr. Tang is not someone you can afford to provoke!"

"This time, it was your son who first insulted Mr. Tang's wife; he deserved his fate."

"If you do not wish to see your family's downfall at your own hands, then take your son and leave Jinling immediately."

"This is the last piece of advice I can give you."

After saying his piece, Qiao Liu turned and left.

Because he had more important matters to attend to. Zhao San had controlled several hundred entertainment venues of various sizes in Jinling.

And he had over a thousand men under him.

The hundreds brought to the factory last night were but a fraction of his force.

Therefore, Qiao Liu planned to deal with the preparations for taking over next.

Those who disobeyed were beaten, and those who didn't listen after a beating were killed!