Chapter 294 Severing the Path of Life

Song Bingyun and Yang Yixue were startled at once, looking towards the disabled woman before them.

Under the protection of bodyguards, Yang Siling marched in haughtily. Seeing Song Bingyun in the office, she sneered and said, "So you are the slut who seduced my husband?"

"At least you have some looks."

"I see you're very young to own this company, must have gotten it by selling yourself, right?"

"I must say, you do have some talent."

Song Bingyun's chest heaved with anger from being abruptly barged in on and insulted in such a manner.

"Who are you?"

"Talking nonsense!"

"You assault my company staff and damage company property, I'm reporting you to the patrol house right now!"

"Report to the patrol house?" Yang Siling laughed loudly, "I won't stop you, go ahead and report."

"In fact, I want to see if the Jinling patrol house dares to touch a single hair of mine."

Several bodyguards rushed in, surveilling Song Bingyun and Yang Yixue.