Chapter 302: Expanding the Team

Tang Yi was not the least bit anxious. He understood that the Yang Family was gathering strength, and the more they gathered, the fiercer the explosion would be at the end!

The Yang Family was definitely planning a major killing move, aiming to crush him in one fell swoop!

Given that, he could also take this opportunity to thoroughly perfect his own plan.

With Lin Yin by Song Bingyun's side now, he wasn't too worried.

Tang Yi immediately ordered Qiao Liu to tell his underlings to be spirited every day.

At the docks, stations, and highway intersections, people were to be arranged, and as soon as any suspicious individuals were spotted, they were to report back immediately.

Tang Yi had Qiao Liu report directly to Qiu Li. Conveniently, the two had met through work reasons.

He believed that with Qiu Li's Hidden Dragon team, they could identify any suspicious individuals in no time.

And they could drive them away or even strike them down on the spot.