Chapter 1: Rage and Desire To Go Crazy

The Northern Territory, the cold wind was biting, and the snow was pure white.

Countless soldiers clad in white battledress, fully armed, were stationed here.

Fearless of the snowstorm, indifferent to life and death, for they were the guardians of Da Hua's Northern Territory.

Every soldier here had been baptized in blood and fire, and it was thanks to their presence that enemy chieftains had been repelled time after time, safeguarding the peace and security of our great Da Hua nation!


A white-painted steel combat vehicle approached from a distance.

Upon seeing the license plate number 000001, every soldier shuddered and saluted crisply with a "snap."

They stared intently at the young man inside the vehicle, eyes brimming with respect and gratitude.

Lin Bei, Lord of the Northern Territory.

He was unmatched in combat prowess and had once single-handedly slain eight hundred thousand invading enemy chieftains with his blade, the heads of their leaders still displayed in the Hall of Merit.

He was divinely skilled in medicine, having treated nearly all the soldiers, and it was his miraculous medical skills that granted countless soldiers a second life, a supreme honor!

"Welcome Commander Lin!"

"Welcome Commander Lin!"


Amidst the resounding cheers, the combat vehicle came to a slow stop in front of the monument.

Then, a tall, young man with a noble demeanor stepped out of the vehicle.

He was the god in the hearts of all soldiers of the Northern Territory, Lin Bei!

Upon seeing Lin Bei step out of the vehicle and stand silently in front of the monument, lost in thought, the accompanying Guard Commander Qing Tian, with a puzzled look, asked, "Commander Lin, today is the day we celebrate your comprehensive victory after numerous battles. The military leaders have also specially come to congratulate you, you..."

But before he could finish, Lin Bei interrupted him.

Lin Bei pointed to the rows of cenotaphs and urns behind the monument and said solemnly, "The elements are unpredictable in victory, the seasons are ever-changing in position, the days lengthen and shorten, the moon waxes and wanes. What does it matter if one wins a hundred battles?

Qing Tian, always remember, the highest form of warfare is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Next is to disrupt their alliances. After that comes battling their armed forces, and the last is laying siege to cities. Only by bending the enemy's arm without battle can we achieve true victory, for only then will our brothers not sacrifice their lives gloriously!"

Qing Tian nodded, half understanding, but before he could say anything, he saw Lin Bei suddenly remove a Purple Gold Medal from his chest.

"Commander Lin, you must not!" Qing Tian exclaimed in alarm.

Lin Bei's brow furrowed as if displeased that Qing Tian had disturbed the martyrs resting here.

Seeing this, Qing Tian knelt with a "thud."

He insisted, "Commander Lin, this medal represents the highest honor of our Da Hua nation. Since the founding of the nation, only this one has been awarded. It is the nation's recognition of you, the utmost honor. Please, think thrice!"

Qing Tian didn't try to lower his voice, so as soon as he spoke, his words reached the ears of nearby soldiers.

In an instant, everyone was deeply moved; they all knelt down and cried, "Please reconsider, Commander Lin!"


Lin Bei's expression grew stern as he said decisively, "Honor does not belong to me alone. The honor belongs to us all!"

With that, he pointed again to the cinerary urns and voiced hoarsely, "If not for these brothers who fought to the death, what honor would we have to speak of? Without your blood and sweat, how would the Northern Territory ever be as impregnable as solid gold?"

Upon these words, silence fell over the crowd.

Watching the soldiers immersed in their grief, Lin Bei placed the Purple Gold Medal in front of the monument, then stood tall and proud, shouting loudly, "Salute!"




For a moment, everyone sank into a sorrowful remembrance of the fallen heroes.

But just then, Lin Bei felt a slight movement; his long-unused mobile phone had vibrated to life.

He intended to hang up, but after seeing the caller ID, he thought for a moment and then answered.

"Daddy... I'm Han Han. Mommy said... Han Han's daddy is called Lin Bei..."


Upon hearing the helpless, pitiful sobs of the little girl on the other end of the phone, Lin Bei's heart shook violently.

He was about to speak when he suddenly heard the little girl continue, "Daddy, there are bad people trying to catch Han Han. They have knives in their hands... Han Han is so scared, Daddy, can you come and save Han Han please..."


The little girl's words were cut short as the phone was smashed violently to the ground.

Listening to the urgent tone coming from the phone, Lin Bei felt a sinking sensation in his heart, coupled with an indescribable agony that twisted like a knife.

The little girl's voice from the phone sounded young and tender, only about four or five years old. Because of extreme fear, her speech was incoherent and filled with terror.

Lin Bei's heart clenched in an instant. He knew that the bad people the little girl mentioned had already captured her!

"Qing Tian, check!"

"Yes, Commander Lin!" Sensing Lin Bei's suppressed rage, Qing Tian quickly responded.

Soon, he utilized the powerful intelligence network of the Northern Territory to find the information Lin Bei was seeking.

"Report to Commander Lin, the phone call originated from Fragrant City. The owner of the phone is named Zhang Yixin. According to intelligence reports, this Miss Zhang had relations with you six years ago, and she is not your fiancée, Yang Yin, as you believed.

Before you came to the Northern Territory years ago, you left a medicine formula of inestimable value for Yang Yin. Yet over the past six years, Yang Yin has tried numerous times to kill Zhang Yixin.

Even so, Zhang Yixin gave birth to your daughter, named... Han Han!"


Lin Bei felt like he had been struck by lightning upon hearing these words.

Han Han?

Wasn't the little girl on the phone just now called Han Han?

Could it be... she really is his daughter?

But who exactly wants to kill her?

Who is it!!!

Lin Bei was raging mad, his eyes blood-red and his murderous aura intense.

"Qing Tian, arrange a fighter jet immediately back to Fragrant City. I need to get there as fast as possible to save my daughter, hurry!"


In a dirty, chaotic basement in Fragrant City,

Han Han lay on a mobile operating table with a terrified face. Around her, several figures in white lab coats with masks were bustling about.

"Boss, this little girl looks pale and thin. She might not have developed properly, right?" One of the white-coated men with beady eyes secured Han Han to the operating table, then couldn't help but ask.

"Quit your yammering, the client has already paid up, just dissect her. Besides, does it matter if we sell more or fewer organs, they're all ours anyway. Get to work!" The leader in the white coat glared at him fiercely at his words.

"Yes, boss!" The beady-eyed man in the white coat gave a cruel smile, then took a scalpel and tore open Han Han's clothes.

In an instant, Han Han's small body tensed up.

She wanted to struggle, but was afraid the scalpel would slice open her belly. All she could do was shed tears and plead in fear, "No... don't, Uncle, please let Han Han go... Daddy... Daddy will be back soon. If you let Han Han go, Daddy will thank you..."

At these words, the room fell silent, then erupted in a burst of mocking laughter.

"Ha-ha, your daddy? Where did you get a daddy from? Today, even if a deity came, they couldn't save you!"

Facing the helpless and weak Han Han, the group in white lab coats showed no compassion.

After the beady-eyed man spoke, he went even further and with a "swish," directly sliced open Han Han's belly.

"Ah... it hurts... wu wu..."

Because no anesthetic was administered, the moment the scalpel cut open Han Han's belly, as blood spurted out, an intense pain overwhelmed her entire body, causing her to inhale sharply, her body uncontrollably trembling.

The leader in the white coat saw this and, with a cruel smile, quickly called his subordinates to start harvesting the organs.

Just as they were about to remove Han Han's kidneys, suddenly, with a "bang," the heavy iron door was kicked open fiercely.

Immediately following, a tall, daunting young man appeared unannounced at the doorway.

When he saw Han Han, lying in a pool of blood, barely clinging to life, his heart felt as though it had stopped, then filled with wrenching pain.

His own daughter, whom he had never met, was lying in this stench-filled basement being dissected by this pack of beasts. How dare they?!

Lin Bei's eyes were on the verge of bursting with fury. He glared at the group in the white coats and, with a voice that seemed to come from hell, coldly said, "You all deserve to die!"