Chapter 7: Your Godfather Died

Five minutes later.

All Xie Family members had been eliminated; Qing Tian took a look around, pulled out a dazzling red document, and said gravely to a group of guests who were already scared out of their wits,

"Everything that happened today is a national secret. Whoever discloses even a single word will be charged with treason!"

After Qing Tian had spoken, his sharp gaze swept around once more before he finally turned and walked away.

For a moment, the vast banquet hall was left with only the guests, stunned as if turned to stone.

They glanced at each other subconsciously and saw the color of terror on each other's faces.

Treason, this was the gravest of crimes!

Moreover, by this time, they had also realized that the police still hadn't arrived, which obviously meant that those two were indeed some incredibly important figures.

A guest with a particularly keen sense of smell muttered, "Fragrant City is about to change!"

Soon, the news here made it to the local trending searches.

In Fragrant City, the de facto ruler of the Xie Corporation, the Xie Family Clan, was suspected of illegal and criminal activities with irrefutable evidence; the responsible persons had been arrested on the spot and taken into custody by judicial authorities, with Chairman Xie Qian and his children committing suicide out of fear of punishment!


Lin Family Cemetery.

After leaving, Qing Tian followed Lin Bei here.

This place used to be the estate of Fragrant City's Number One wealthy Lin Family, but now it had become an overgrown, dilapidated cemetery.

Lin Bei took a look around and then stepped forward into the cemetery.

At that moment, the sky changed dramatically, and a torrential downpour fell from the heavens.

Unconcerned about the wind and rain beating down on him, Lin Bei arrived in front of the main tomb and, with a "thump," knelt down.

Six years ago, he was the most prominent young master of Fragrant City, but on the night of his engagement to Yang Yin, the entire Lin Family of one hundred and eighty-three people was slaughtered.

If it weren't for his mother's last efforts to call her and tell him to flee into the night, he too would have died that night six years ago.

However, to make up for the hurt he caused Yang Yin, he left behind a set of medicine formulas so valuable they were worth a city before fleeing to the Northern Territory.

Regrettably, it wasn't until now that he realized the person he hurt that year wasn't Yang Yin, but Zhang Yixin.

This time he returned, not only to make amends to Zhang Yixin and his daughter Han Han but also for a greater purpose—vengeance!

"Grandfather, rest assured, this time I've come back, I will definitely find out who the real mastermind behind the curtain is. I swear, once I discover who the murderer is, I will bring his head to you as an offering to the spirits of our Lin Family's one hundred and eighty-three deceased!"

"Commander Lin, please accept my condolences."

This was the first time Qing Tian had seen Lin Bei so heartbroken. In his memory, even when facing a million foes, Lin Bei had never shown fear.

But now, this national hero, Lord of the Northern Territory, was crying like a child.

After a pause, he continued, "Commander Lin, according to my subordinates' investigation, although the Xie Family has considerable power, they are actually reliant on the Yang Family to which Yang Yin belongs. I suspect that Madam and the young mistress's near-death experience at the hands of the Xie Family might also have been directed by Yang Yin!"


Hearing these words, Lin Bei's eyes darkened, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Six years ago, the Lin Family was massacred overnight, and the Yang Family took their place as the Number One wealthy family in Fragrant City.

Although the greatest contribution to this was the medicine formula he had left behind, he would never believe that the Yang Family was uninvolved.

"It seems the waters of Fragrant City are much murkier than I had imagined!" Lin Bei sharply exclaimed, a torrential aura bursting forth from within him, repelling the large raindrops. Even the soaking wet clothes on his body dried instantly.

Afterward, he took out his phone and dialed Yang Yin's number.

As soon as the call connected, he spoke out sharply.

"I have returned!"

Yang Yin was startled, and only after coming to her senses did she realize it was Lin Bei.

She scoffed and said, "So it's you. What, did you find out about my Mythology Group about to go public and now you're looking to get a share?"

Lin Bei's expression was as calm as an ancient well.

As the Lord of the Northern Territory, the foremost divine healer of his time, wealth to him was already merely a series of numbers.

He alone was wealthy enough to rival nations!

After Yang Yin finished speaking, Lin Bei continued to ask, "Was it your intention for the Xie Family to attempt the murder of Zhang Yixin and her daughter?"

Yang Yin hadn't expected Lin Bei to know about this. She curled her lip and said, "Are you looking for revenge on me? You're nothing but a lost dog, how dare you bark at me? Yes, it was me who had the Xie Family eliminate them. You might not know, but it was also me who drugged your drinks that night and then sent you both to the same room!"


Even though Lin Bei had his suspicions, he didn't expect Yang Yin to admit it so readily.

"So, the destruction of the Lin Family is also directly related to you, right?" Lin Bei asked coldly.

"Giggle, don't try to smear me with your baseless accusations; if you have the ability, investigate it yourself!" This time, Yang Yin didn't admit to it directly, giving a rather ambiguous answer.

Hearing this, Lin Bei became even more certain of his suspicions.

His eyes blazed with fury as he said in a chilling tone, "Yang Yin, you will pay the price!"

"On your strength? You're just a lost dog. Do you think I would have agreed to marry you if it weren't for your medical formula? You actually think your life isn't worth a single formula?" Yang Yin completely missed the anger in Lin Bei's tone, and said with a taunting air.


Lin Bei decisively hung up the phone.

He turned his head to look at Qing Tian and commanded in a deep voice, "Pass on my order. Thoroughly investigate the Yang Family, and clarify their entire network of connections!"

"Yes, Commander Lin!"


At the Yang Family estate.

Yang Yin had just hung up the phone and had not yet put it down when she suddenly received a push notification about an incident at the Xie Family.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she said urgently to a middle-aged man not far from her, "Uncle, Xie Qian is dead!"

"What happened?" Yang Yin's uncle, Yang Yanzhao, frowned as he asked.

"I don't know..." Yang Yin shook her head, then suddenly, as if she remembered something, recounted Lin Bei's return.

At the end, she asked tentatively, "Uncle, just as Lin Bei returns, the Xie Family encounters trouble. Do you think it could be him...?"


To her surprise, before she could finish, Yang Yanzhao directly interrupted her, "He's just a remnant of the Lin Family; he doesn't have the ability to wipe out the entire Xie Family. Even if it was him, so what? The Xie Family is merely a lapdog to our Yang Family. Could he possibly destroy the Yang Family as well?"

However, Yang Yin still felt that there was more to it than meets the eye.

After thinking it over, she took out her phone and made a call, "Xie Xun, your godfather is dead..."