Chapter 145 Blood Debt, Blood Repayment!

Facing the mockery of the crowd, Lin Bei did not become angry.

He looked around and said gravely, "Six years ago, you joined forces to attack my Lin Family, forcing my grandfather to hand over the Dragon Strike Technique with the threat of death. After succeeding, you even crazily set fire to the Lin Family estate. All of you... deserve to die!"

As those words fell, a towering murderous intent burst forth.

Instantly, Chen Lifan and several others, with him at the lead, all shuddered.

What terrifying murderous intent it was, how many people had to be killed to accumulate such an aura?

Not to mention the likes of Chen Lifan and Zhou Huangyuan, who were used to luxury, even the notoriously fierce Peng Xiang and Cao Xiong couldn't help but be drenched in cold sweat.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before they realized that their numerous subordinates were still around, and this gave them some reassurance.

"Lin Bei, even if what you say is true, what can you do to us?"