Chapter 149 Proactively Taking Responsibility


Meeting Lin Bei's encouraging gaze, Zhang Yixin felt inexplicably more at ease.

After thinking for a bit, she adjusted her breathing and said, "Lin Bei's suggestion is very pertinent. Avoiding the issue won't solve the problem. If it is indeed our responsibility, we should take the initiative to assume it."

"Zhang Yixin, have you lost your mind? Take the initiative? How could we assume it, and who would bear the responsibility?"

"Anyway, I don't agree. If you want to assume it, do it yourself, but don't drag us down."

"Zhang Yixin..."

Nearly all of the Zhang family descendants disagreed with Zhang Yixin and Lin Bei's decision.

Lin Bei seemed to have anticipated this. He said with confidence, "Yixin, be yourself; I've got your back."


Zhang Yixin nodded firmly and then dismissed the security personnel.