Chapter 7: Furious Ye Fan

Having said that, Director Liang made a call, summoning dozens of people who charged toward the emergency room, fuming with rage.

"Doctor Li, I beg you, you must save my daughter!"

Outside the emergency room, Su Ruoxue's beautiful face was streaked with tears, her lovely eyes filled with pleading as she looked at the attending physician.

"Sigh! Miss Su, your daughter's injuries are simply too severe. We've already explained the situation to you, we really have done all we can!"

"Right now, all we can do is to stabilize your daughter and help her hold on for a while longer."

"Dragon Blood Grass is a holy healing herb. If you can obtain it within the next twelve hours, there might still be a chance to save your daughter!"

At the emergency room doorway, Doctor Li Lin let out a long sigh. Despite his exceptional medical skills, he felt helpless in the face of Ye Ling'er's grave injuries.

"Ling'er, you must hold on!"

Hearing this, Su Ruoxue couldn't help but let her tears fall.

She and Ye Fan had only their daughter Ye Ling'er. If something tragic happened to Ye Ling'er, she wouldn't be able to bear such a devastating blow.

They had been a happy family, how could they have foreseen such a disaster striking suddenly? The Young Master of the Jiang Family of the Central Plains' Extraordinary Family Clan had accidentally drowned, and there was a demand for a girl born on the same year, month, and day to be buried with him.

Tragically, that unfortunate girl was her daughter, Ye Ling'er.

Faced with the unreasonable demands of the Jiang Family, she and Ye Fan had naturally refused decisively, no matter what conditions were offered, they would never agree.

Who could have imagined that, relying on their powerful influence, the Jiang Family would dare to harm her daughter today?

Now, with her daughter in critical condition, Su Ruoxue could only hope that Ye Fan would be able to quickly obtain the holy healing herb, Dragon Blood Grass.

"In which emergency room is Ye Ling'er?"

Just as Su Ruoxue was distraught, a thunderous shout suddenly exploded through the corridor.

Doctor Li Lin looked up in surprise and said, "Director Liang, what's the matter?"

"Li Lin, I'm asking you, is Ye Ling'er in this emergency room?"

Upon learning that Ye Fan's daughter Ye Ling'er was being treated at the Warzone Hospital, Director Liang, enraged, immediately came with troops.

"Yes, Director Liang, is there a problem?" Li Lin asked subconsciously.

"Out of the way!"

Confirming that Ye Ling'er was indeed in the emergency room, Director Liang forcefully pushed aside Li Lin and kicked the door of the emergency room open with a heavy foot.

With a loud bang, the door to the emergency room was violently kicked open by Director Liang.

At that moment inside the emergency room, Ye Ling'er lay pale on the resuscitation table, a ventilator already inserted into her nostrils.

"So you're Ye Ling'er? Hmph!"

Upon seeing Ye Ling'er lying on the resuscitation table, Director Liang sneered and suddenly yanked the ventilator out of Ye Ling'er's nostrils.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Su Ruoxue quickly got up and tried to intervene.

Before Su Ruoxue could rush into the emergency room, she was restrained by the shoulders by two burly men.

Unconcerned with Su Ruoxue's feelings, Director Liang roughly picked up Ye Ling'er.

"Let go of my daughter, what are you doing? Let go of my daughter!" Su Ruoxue shouted urgently.

"Oh? Your daughter? You must be Ye Fan's wife, Su Ruoxue, right?"

Hearing Su Ruoxue's words, Director Liang's face turned sinister.

Being stared down by Director Liang, Su Ruoxue exclaimed in a panic, "Who are you? What on earth do you want to do?"


No sooner had Su Ruoxue spoken, than Director Liang's eyes flashed with a glint of coldness, and she viciously slapped Su Ruoxue across the face.

Caught off guard by Director Liang's sudden act of violence, Su Ruoxue's mind went blank from the heavy blow.

"What do I want to do? Your husband Ye Fan killed my husband, what do you think I want to do? You little wretch, I want your family to pay in blood for blood!"

"Bring them all to me!" Director Liang roared maniacally.

Seeing Director Liang wanting to take away both Su Ruoxue and Ye Ling'er, the attending physician said in shock, "Director Liang, this seems inappropriate. Ye Ling'er's life is hanging by a thread, and they were placed in our care by higher authorities!"

"Inappropriate? What's inappropriate about it? placed in our care by higher authorities? Ha! Let me tell you, in this hospital, I have the ultimate authority!" Director Liang said with a grim smile.

Realizing that Director Liang had gone mad, Doctor Li Lin, who was the attending physician, didn't dare to confront Director Liang, who held the position of deputy director. He shrank his neck and dared not speak any further.

Having intimidated Li Lin, Director Liang scoffed disdainfully and ordered again, "Take them away!"


"I hope it's not too late!"

At this moment, Ye Fan had successfully obtained Dragon Blood Grass and was leaving the Tang Family.

"God Ye, get in the car!"

In front of the Tang Family's main gate, Lin Wu was personally driving a military green jeep.

Without hesitation, Ye Fan got into the car, and Lin Wu floored the accelerator, the military green jeep speeding toward the Warzone Hospital.

For some reason, sitting in the jeep, Ye Fan felt his right eyelid twitch uncontrollably, and a foreboding sense of doom rose within him.

"Lin Wu, speed up, we must race to the Warzone Hospital!"

This ominous feeling made Ye Fan's nerves taut.

"Yes, God Ye!"

Lin Wu immediately responded, and he heavily pressed his foot on the accelerator.

Twenty minutes later, the jeep arrived at the Central Plains Warzone Hospital. Ye Fan got out of the car and dashed into the hospital.

"What happened?"

Upon reaching the emergency room, he saw that the doors had been kicked open, and the ventilator had fallen to the ground. Ye Fan's complexion changed immediately.

"You... you're Ye Fan, right? Miss Su Ruo Xue and Ye Ling'er have all been taken away by Director Liang!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Ye Fan, and the attending physician, Li Lin, walked over still visibly shaken.

Seeing Li Lin, Ye Fan urgently asked, "What did you say? Ruo Xue and Ling'er were taken away? What exactly happened here?"

"Just now, Director Liang Qiufeng stormed in with people..."

Li Lin told Ye Fan everything that had happened.

"What? Ruo Xue was hit? Ling'er was taken away violently?"


Learning of what had happened, Ye Fan's eyes reddened with fury, and he let out a heart-wrenching roar of rage, the killing intent surging around him.

Su Ruo Xue and Ye Ling'er meant everything to him. Today, his daughter Ye Ling'er had narrowly escaped murder, and just when he finally got his hands on the Dragon Blood Grass, he never imagined that his wife Su Ruo Xue and daughter Ye Ling'er would be taken away by the Jiang Family.

How could this not infuriate Ye Fan?

"Where is Liang Qiufeng now?" Ye Fan asked, his killing intent rising.

Li Lin was startled by the killing intent emanating from Ye Fan and quickly said, "Director Liang seems to be in his office!"

"Lin Wu, let's go, to the director's office!" Ye Fan exclaimed angrily.

Lin Wu, fully aware of the grave situation, quickly took out his phone to dial a number.

"Zhang Dabiao, where are you guys? Hurry to the Warzone Hospital! The sky is falling!"

This time Lin Wu's primary reason for coming to the Central Plains was a change of position. He was originally stationed at the border, leading the Heavenly Abode Country's finest Red Flame Army, but this time his superiors had transferred him to the Central Plains War Zone.

Thus, Lin Wu's main role this time was to serve as the Warzone Grand Commander in the Central Plains. Before coming here, he had brought three thousand elite soldiers from the Red Flame Army.

The captain of the Red Flame Army, Zhang Dabiao, immediately responded, "The sky is falling? Commander Lin, what's happening?"

"God Ye's wife and daughter have been kidnapped, hurry to the Warzone Hospital!" Lin Wu bellowed.

"What? God Ye's wife and daughter have been kidnapped? Which God Ye? Could it be the same God Ye who, six years ago, struck fear in the frontiers and deterred the Six Nations from aggression?" Zhang Dabiao seemed to suddenly realize something.

Lin Wu immediately retorted, "Besides him, is there another God Ye? Stop wasting time, meet at the Warzone Hospital!"


Zhang Dabiao solemnly responded and then turned to the three thousand brothers behind him and shouted, "Brothers, quickly head to the Warzone Hospital!"

"God Ye, who vanished six years ago, has finally emerged, hurry, hurry!"

At that very moment, inside the vice-director's office.

Liang Qiufeng said viciously, "Big brother, Miss Su Ruo Xue and the bastard Ye Ling'er have already been sent back to you!"

"If we catch Ye Fan, make sure he's kept alive. I want to personally slaughter him and avenge Jiang He!"

Upon hearing this, the Jiang Family patriarch Jiang Hong's face revealed a satisfied smile.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. As long as we catch Ye Fan, I'll leave him to you to deal with!"

"Thank you, big brother!" Liang Qiufeng replied darkly.

Her husband, Jiang He, had been killed by Ye Fan, and Liang Qiufeng couldn't wait to personally slaughter Ye Fan.


However, at that moment, the office door was violently kicked open.

A vicious killing intent swept through the room, and Ye Fan walked in with a cold gaze.

Looking at Liang Qiufeng, Ye Fan spoke to her as if she was already dead, "You're Liang Qiufeng?"

"Who are you?"

Staring at the murderously aura-clad Ye Fan, Liang Qiufeng was on high alert.

Ye Fan did not reply; instead, he continued to ask, "Was it you who slapped Ruo Xue and pulled out Ling'er's ventilator, taking them away?"

"How do you know these things? Wait, you're Ye Fan!"

Liang Qiufeng was no fool; upon hearing this, she immediately realized that the young man before her was the one who had killed her husband.

"Answer me!" Ye Fan demanded coldly.

Now that she knew the other person was Ye Fan, Liang Qiufeng replied with a sinister laugh, "That's right, I'm the one who pulled your daughter's ventilator, and I'm the one who hit your wife Su Ruo Xue!"

"So what? Let me tell you, you killed my husband, and I will slaughter your whole family to accompany him in death!"

Her face turned fierce, her complexion as ghastly as a ghost, as if the whole family of Ye Fan was going to die gruesomely at her hand.

"Is that so?"

Seeing the self-righteous and resentful Liang Qiufeng, a sharp light flashed in Ye Fan's eyes.


In an instant, a shadow viciously struck Liang Qiufeng's face.


Liang Qiufeng felt a blur before her eyes, as if hit by a large truck, and a gush of fresh blood spewed out on the spot.