Chapter 130 Ye Fan's Battle Intent

"Mediocre? Coward?"

Upon hearing Xu Ruoxuan's words, Ye Fan's face immediately darkened.

Before coming, he had looked up information on Xu Ruoxuan and knew she had a high IQ, but he didn't expect that upon meeting her she would corner him into a dilemma with just a few words.

If he didn't accept this challenge, it would be an implicit self-degradation, an admission that he was indeed mediocre and a coward.

Impressive, truly impressive!

With just a simple sentence, she had put him on the defensive. Ye Fan watched Xu Ruoxuan grow wary; he realized that beneath that stunning face was a mind deep and unpredictable.

"That's right! If you don't even dare to accept a woman's challenge, what are you if not a coward?"

"Exactly, you drove an AE86 here, and if you're too scared to accept Big Sister's challenge, you're bringing shame to the AE86!"

"The AE86 is a legendary car to us, an invincible presence. Who would've thought the owner of this AE86 would be such a wimp, hahaha!"