Chapter 1: A Family of Ten Heroes!

South of the Yangtze River, the Ye Family Courtyard was pervaded by a thick atmosphere of desolation.

Elder Ye Changfeng sat expressionless at the head, with ten urns arranged in a row on the long table before him.

A three-star general clad in camouflage solemnly stood by the side, his face heavy as he opened the death notices in his hands.

"Ye Zhengguo, 48 years old, died in battle in the Northern Region on July 28th, no remains were left."

"Ye Zhenghua, 43 years old, died in battle in the Eastern Region on July 28th, no remains were left."

"Ye Lingtian, 27 years old, died in battle in the Southern Region on July 28th, no remains were left."

"Ye Lingjun, 26 years old, died in battle on the Southeastern Frontier on July 28th, no remains were left."


After the ten death notices were read out, the entire hall fell eerily silent.

Ten loyal and courageous members of the Ye family's third generation had died in battle on the same day across the Six Major War Zones of Great Xia, almost wiping out the Ye family. Such grief caused the air throughout the entire courtyard to feel stifling.

Boom! Boom!

Above the Ye Family Courtyard, thirty-six fighter jets roared as they circled overhead, with nineteen gun salutes sounding off in unison. The alarms were sounded throughout, and the flag was lowered to half-mast, bidding farewell to the loyal fallen of the Ye family.

But all these could not change the grim fate of the Ye family's fallen.

"Old general, the enemy's plan was too meticulous this time. We didn't foresee such a tragedy, condolences..." The three-star general Ning Yu bowed towards Ye Changfeng, his voice somewhat hoarse.

The Ten Great Proud Sons of Heaven from the Ye family had all been ambushed and killed on the same day in different War Zones of Great Xia.

Even a fool would know that such a coincidence was impossible!

This was a calculated operation aimed at completely eradicating the Ye family!

Ning Tao glanced at Ye Fan, who stood behind Ye Changfeng, the last sole scion of the Ye family.

Five years ago, Ye Fan was the number one prodigy talent of Great Xia, but following a car accident, he had become an idiot.

At this moment, Ye Fan, holding a pink Little Pig Peiqi in his arms, had a foolish look on his face, seemingly unaware of what had happened.

What nobody noticed was the faint glimmer of gold suddenly emerging on a jade pendant on Ye Fan's chest, followed by a soft crack. The pendant shattered on the spot, revealing uniform cracks. Strands of golden light burst from the broken pendant and quickly entered Ye Fan's body.

In an instant, a look of sharp intelligence flashed through Ye Fan's otherwise blank stare.

"Damn! I actually sealed myself for five years... speechless..."

Five years ago, the 15-year-old Ye Fan had already stepped onto the path of martial arts, mastered Energy Transformation, achieved control, broke through to the Grandmaster Realm, and became rightfully the number one prodigious talent of the younger generation in Great Xia.

But while Ye Fan was researching how to break through to the Martial Venerable Realm using Rune Talismans, he was suddenly hit by a car. Following a series of unfortunate events, he locked two of his three souls and six of his seven spirits inside the jade pendant on his chest, leaving only a single soul and spirit to support his body through five clueless years.

With his soul incomplete and his martial power lost, his intelligence dropped to that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Therefore, to outsiders, Ye Fan had become a complete idiot after the car accident.

However, only Ye Fan himself knew that it was merely because his soul had been temporarily sealed. Without external assistance, he could only wait for the Soul Locking Talisman to lose its effect, and that wait had been five years.

With his soul completely restored, Ye Fan's intelligence and talents instantly returned, and his lost martial power had not only been regained but had broken through above Grandmaster, reaching the Pinnacle of the Martial Venerable Realm, placing him at least among the top ten in all of Great Xia.

Looking at the ten urns before him, Ye Fan's expression grew incredibly grim.

Three of those urns belonged to Ye Fan's eldest uncle, second uncle, and third uncle, while the remaining seven were for his seven older brothers from the third generation.

Standing behind the urns of the seven brothers were seven stunning beauties in plain clothes.

These were the seven sisters-in-law who had not yet joined the family through marriage.

Eldest sister-in-law Yu Linglong, the Great Xia Valkyrie, the strongest female general among the younger generation!

Second sister-in-law Ling Yanqiu, the heiress of the Ling Family, one of the four major families in the Capital, with immense wealth influencing the whole of Great Xia.

Third sister-in-law Shen Mange, an international superstar and the goddess in the hearts of countless men.


Seventh sister-in-law Su Yixue, from the Su Family of the medical world in the Southwest, had half a kingdom in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.

All seven brothers had perished in battle, and these sisters-in-law who had not yet been wed did not forget their ties of affection; they actually all came to attend the funeral, which touched Ye Fan's heart deeply.

"Commence the mourning!"

At the head of the room, Elder Ye Changfeng sternly commanded, and the seven sisters-in-law, holding the urns of ashes, made their way out of the courtyard!

At this time, the vast open space outside the Ye Family Courtyard was already filled with people.

The old general had devoted his entire life to military service, and yet the Ye Family met with such a fate.

The crowd was all sighing incessantly!

"Everyone, the sons of the Ye Family died for their country, a worthy death... The Ye Family, as long as I am here, will not fall..." Ye Changfeng went up on the stage and spoke into the microphone for two sentences.

But halfway through his speech, Ye Changfeng could not go on; the white-haired man sending off the black-haired man, the Ye Family nearly annihilated. As an old man in his twilight years, Ye Changfeng was already on the brink of collapse!

Ye Changfeng, with a choked voice, adjusted his emotions and looked at Ye Fan standing beside him, feeling the weight in his heart lift ever so slightly.

Ye Fan was now the only hope for Ye Changfeng, although he was considered foolish, at least he was still alive.


He no longer hoped for him to achieve anything; after the funeral, they should promptly arrange his wedding with the Xuan Family, it would be for the best if he could continue the Ye Family lineage.

Even if he couldn't leave a descendant, with the marriage to Xuan Yufei, at least after his own death, the Xuan Family could protect Ye Fan for the rest of his life.

At the scene, everyone who saw Ye Changfeng in such a state was deeply moved.

"Ah! It hasn't been easy for the old general. The Ye Family established grand military merits for the empire back in the day; it's tragic to see them like this now..."

"Isn't it so! Ten great generals of a family being attacked and killed on the same day, it's too abnormal!"

"They're trying to uproot them completely, and this matter must have had inside help – and from a very high position at that!"

"Shush! Don't talk nonsense, do you want to bring disaster upon yourself?"

Just when there was a commotion at the scene, suddenly two figures quickly walked towards the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please excuse the interruption, taking advantage of the presence of so many people here as witnesses, I, Xuan Zhengguo, on behalf of Princess Yu, would like to announce something..."

The one who went up on the stage was the second son of the Xuan Family, Xuan Zhengguo, and beside him was the young lady of the Xuan Family, Xuan Yufei!

"You are all aware, back in the day, the Xuan Family and the Ye Family had an engagement! But now, Ye Fan has become a fool, and my Xuan Family has decided... to annul the marriage, please nod your approval, Old Master!" Xuan Zhengguo, holding the microphone, announced the news with an indifferent tone.

Yet, these words were undoubtedly a bombshell at the scene.

Suddenly, everyone started to stir!


The Ye Family has faced such a great calamity, and the Xuan Family wants to cancel the marriage at this time?

How is this any different from kicking a man while he's down?

"That's too cruel! Is the Xuan Family in such a hurry to completely sever ties with the Ye Family?"

"Alas! Probably the Xuan Family is afraid. With the fall of the Ye Family, those enemies will definitely take action against families close to the Ye Family. If the Xuan Family does not annul the marriage, they might be the first to be dealt with!"

"But there was no need to be so hasty, how could Elder Ye bear this?"

Swish swish!

All eyes turned towards Ye Changfeng, filled with concern.



Ye Changfeng had only spoken a single word when he suddenly spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and staggered backward, falling to the ground.

The nearly eighty-year-old Old Master Ye finally fell!

The Xuan Family's annulment became the last straw that broke Ye Changfeng...